Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I started banking from my phone.

It finally happened. My bank created a decent mobile site that I actually trust and can navigate through my mobile phone. They had been talking about it for a while and everytime I looked it up they always said it was almost finished. I've been around long enough to know that doesn't mean much. Well, apparently it did because I checked the other day randomly and it was up, logged in and checked my balance. It seemed pretty simple and didn't take too long to load. I'm pretty happy.

A good of way of finding out if you have a mobile website for your bank is to go to their main site and look for 'mobile version' or just try m. before the domain name.

I know it's getting more and more common and the more people get out there and ask for it the better chances we have of getting it working for all the banks, even the smaller ones.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Good New Mobile Sites

I just wanted to let everyone know really quick that I found a good mobile websites and it really seems like it can be a good resource for finding what you need on this endless web.

Mobile websites like I'm sure you know are few and far between. Designing a mobile site is a whole nother beast we can talk about later.

Why not spend some more time on design people? Why, please telle me why!?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mobile Sites

I bet the people who came up with the .mobi extension are really scratching their heads. It’s really not that hard to understand why most companies didn’t want to switch the .mobi. Here are a few of the reasons I can think of. 1. It costs extra money to register a .mobi domain.2. Sub-domains. Just adding m. to your domain name (ie let’s you bypass the need for a new domain.3. Confusing. Who wants to have to go to on your PC, and then on their mobile device? Especially when you just change www. to m.

You can find some of the same technology in colored contacts like they use to make red contacts and yellow contacts.

I’m sure there are lots of other reasons but I can see why the .mobi didn’t take off like they had originally planned!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Basics Of Great Mobile Websites

Solitary of the best things about having Gambling Mobile Websites ability on your mobile device is the ability to gamble no matter where you are. 

You can make money while you are under your own steam around, consumption at a restaurant or anywhere else where you can use your phone! It’s really a nice thing to have at your fingertips.

You can find additional Mobile Websites further down the page for different types of sites.

We are always adding more of the Best Mobile Websites everyday so keep in mind to check back often!


Looking For Good Mobile Sites

Convenience is one significant factor that web developers forget when designing a site for a mobile device. It’s not like a PC where you can make a cookie cutter drawing and then alter it to fit into different browsers. With mobile devices that can view websites the list is growing everyday so you have to be careful so you don’t do away with some of your possible customers by making your site to specific.

One thing I advocate is to design the site where it can be viewed easily and without too much clutter. If you want someone to leave your site quickly just make it garbled on their monitor and see what happens!

Green Contacts

If you ever need education to design a good mobile site I suggest looking at some of the major mobile sites out there today and learning from their tried and factual methods!